We offer a consulting service for biostatistics and mathematical methods, specializing in the analysis of ecological data. We provide:
We spezialize in the statistical analysis of animal tracking data (GPS-data / telemetry data), in the estimation of population trends / population sizes and the analysis of distribution patterns.
Our team members have backgrounds in both, mathematics and biology, as well as extensive practical field experience, enabling us to understand and appreciate the biological basis of the data being analysed. Please contact us here.
Biological / ecological research questions vary and the biostatistical methods needed to answer questions based on ecological data therefore also need to be versatile. We provide a variety of biostatistical and biomathematical techniques, including complex regression methods, multivariate statistics, Bayesian methods, spatial statistics, and analyses of time series, usually using the open-source statistical software R, but also OpenBUGS, Stan, Scilab and GPower.